Category Archives: The First Year

Dear Collyn (2/16/18)

Today you are 5 weeks and 3 days old! From the moment you arrived on January 8th, 2018 at 12:43pm, you’ve been such a joy to your mama and me. That’s not to say we haven’t had our frustrations, you’ll know what I mean someday if you decide having a child(ren) is for you, but loving you and our family makes it all worth it.

Collyn with Mom
You and your Mama just after you were born… the first of many crying faces 🙂

The moment I first saw you I had the incredible warm, happy, loving feeling wash over me. Though I had heard plenty of parents describe the feeling of first meeting their children, the magnitude of experiencing that feeling yourself is truly difficult to put into words. Just know that I have and will always love you, no matter what.

Collyn NICU
Short trip to the NICU, look how adorable you are!

As you grow up there will likely be times where you’re mad, confused, questioning why things are the way they are and, to be clear, that’s part of growing up and just about everyone goes through this. I can remember times I was angry with my parents, wanting to do things they wouldn’t let me, thinking I understood more of the world than I likely did, and just being a typical pain-in-the-ass kid, and I’m sure you’ll feel the same towards me at some point(s) in your lifetime. My hope would be to share these letters with you when you’re older so that you can better understand who I am, better understand your mother and your family, and perhaps shed some light on how you became the person you are today (which, by the time you read these letters, will be long after most of them have been written). I hope to do this on a more frequent cadence, the fact that it took me nearly two months to start is disappointing to me already, but forgive me if I don’t. You and life have a way of keeping my hands full, but I promise the number of letters has no correlation to the volume of my love for you. Until next time…

